Squad members

Our distinctive philosophy is reflected in the way we are organised. We keep a ratio of associates to partners that is well below that of other law firms in Romania. We are focused on transactions or matters that require the involvement of the long tested sophisticated experience of our partners. In order to ensure the high quality of the legal advice act, we are selectively involved in transactions or cases, thus allowing a particular system of rewarding the company’s lawyers. We work in teams that involve expertise from all relevant areas of law. Our selection, promotion and reward system is primarily focused on talented and persevering lawyers, also interested in the business process, that supports our clients in solving their sensible and critical needs.

See our squad members

Putting our best foot forward

Our team represents the spirit of B&A: The healthiest mixture of prime legal experience and youthful energy, with exquisite cross-domain knowledge as well as specialists. With our squad on your side you can rest assured that any legal concern or will to expand gets the attention and excellence it needs.