Adrian Catalin Bulboaca Managing Partner Profile

Adrian-Cătălin Bulboacă

Managing Partner

Adrian is the Managing Partner of B&A.

Before founding B&A, between 2001 and 2006, Adrian headed the banking and finance practice of the Bucharest office of a Magic Circle law firm, as well as their energy practice, between 2001 and 2003.

Adrian has significant expertise in banking and finance transactions. International directories have constantly recognized Adrian as a leading practitioner in banking and finance. He also has extensive experience in project and asset finance.

Adrian has been involved in projects with significant impact on the Romanian economy. In 2008 and 2010, Adrian advised the Romanian State in connection with the issue of cumulated EUR 1.8 billion Eurobonds. In 2013, he coordinated the B&A team, managing a capital market transaction short-listed as one of the most sophisticated transactions in Europe.

He graduated the Law School of the Bucharest University and is a member of the Bucharest Bar Association. Adrian holds a M.B.A. in International Banking from City University in Seattle, Washington, D.C.

Adrian is passionate about reading (history, economics, cosmology, quantum physic and religion) and watching historical movies (his favourite movies being “Gladiator”,  “Braveheart”,  “300” and “The Last Samurai”). He enjoys classical music, performing jogging, being in the same time a massive supporter of Liverpool FC and true admiror of the legendary Steven Gerrard. He is also a great believer that whoever we are and whatever we do we need to serve humanity in order to help it to discover its sense of being. The Firm, its design and his colleagues are led and taught permanently towards this ‎fundamental belief.