Proposed changes to the legal regime of Romanian companies
On 27 June 2017, the legislative initiative (the “Draft Law”) amending and supplementing the Law on companies no. 31/1990 (the “Companies Law“”), the Law on accounting no. 82/1991 (the “Accounting Law”) and the Law on the organization and operation of cooperatives no.1 / 2005 (the “Cooperatives Law”) was adopted by the Senate, and is currently under registration process with the Chambers of Deputies for debate purposes.
The Draft Law introduces as an absolute novelty the possibility for the shareholders of a company to receive dividends every quarter, and not only on an annual basis, as currently provided by the legislation in force.
The main amendments brought by the Draft Law, in the form adopted by the Senate, are available in .pdf:
This article was written by Cosmin Stăvaru and Maria Ghinea.