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News from B&A

In today's fast-paced environment, our news and research can help you take advantage of financial and legal changes. Imagine what you could achieve with our full attention on your side.

  • State of emergency to fight the coronavirus in Romania

    In a strongly economic context unbalanced by the COVID-19 pandemic, Romania aligns itself with the measures taken by other EU member states and declares a state of emergency to allow the authorities to implement the most appropriate strategies for managing and preventing the spread of coronavirus. In short, the state…

    17 March 2020
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  • Starea de urgență în România în contextul decretului semnat de Președintele României

    Într-un context economic puternic dezechilibrat de pandemia COVID-19, România se aliniază măsurilor luate de alte state membre ale Uniunii Europene și declară stare de urgență pentru a permite autorităților să implementeze cele mai potrivite strategii în scop de gestionare și prevenire a răspândirii coronavirusului. Pe scurt, starea de urgență reprezintă…

    17 March 2020
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  • Bulboacă & Asociații keeps its place in IFLR1000’s Tops, 2017 Edition

    Bulboacă & Asociații is mentioned, this year also, in the tops of the Legal Directory International Financial Law Review – IFLR1000, 2017 edition, thus keeping alive the tradition started 9 years ago. The business law firm, Bulboacă & Asociații, was ranked in the top tiers of all 5 practice areas,…

    07 November 2016
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