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News from B&A

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  • COVID-19: Strategii pentru conservarea lichidității societăților

    Printre efectele economice cele mai puternice și cu impact imediat ale crizei generate de pandemia de COVID-19 se numără și afectarea nivelului de lichiditate al societăților, mai ales al celor care activează în sectoare unde activitatea a fost întreruptă, cum ar fi turism, restaurante sau aviație. Totuși, criza economică este…

    24 April 2020
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  • COVID-19: Strategies for preserving company liquidity

    Among the most powerful economic effects of the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and with immediate impact are impairment of the liquidity levels of companies, especially for those companies active in sectors where activity has been interrupted, such as tourism, restaurants or aviation. However, the economic crisis is just…

    24 April 2020
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  • Decree no. 240 from 15 April 2020

    On 14 April 2020 the Presidential Decree no. 240 regarding the extension of the state emergency in Romania was published in the Official Monitor of Romania, applicable as of today, 15 April 2020. According to the Decree the state of emergency is extended for an additional 30 day-period starting with…

    16 April 2020
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  • Decretul nr. 240 din 15 Aprilie 2020

    Pe data de 14 aprilie 2020, a fost publicat în Monitorul Oficial al României Decretul nr. 240 privind prelungirea stării de urgență pe teritoriul României, ce intră în vigoare astăzi, 15 aprilie 2020. Conform prevederilor Decretului starea de urgență se prelungește pentru o perioadă de 30 de zile, începând cu…

    16 April 2020
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  • Military Ordinance no. 8 from 10 April 2020

    Today was published in the Official Monitor of Romania the Military Ordinance no. 8 establishing new measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. According to Military Ordinance no. 8, the following categories of persons can leave their domicile: holders of commercial fishing authorizations / permits on the Danube, inland waters…

    10 April 2020
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