Order no. 791/2020 regarding the issuance of the state of emergency certificates for economic operators with activities that have been affected in the context of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
The rapid and large-scale spread of the COVID-19 virus economically affects all types of companies. The restrictive measures undertaken recently by the public authorities have a major impact on the economy, therefore protective instruments for the business environment should also be considered in such context. As a consequence, the Ministry of Economy, Energy and the Business Environment issues, on demand, to the economic operators affected by the COVID – 19 context, emergency state certificates.
Order no. 791/2020 provides the legal framework procedure for the issuance of the state of emergency certificates. The order addresses to the SMEs which intend to benefit from the facilities provided under GEO no. 29/2020 (e.g. the postponement of payments for utilities and rent, the possibility to invoke the force majeure in current commercial contracts), but also to other economic operators which intend to benefit from the facilities granted within the provisions of GEO no. 30/2020 (i.e. the indemnity for technical unemployment, possible evidence of force majeure or hardship).
Beneficiaries of the emergency certificates: |
Pursuant to Order no. 791/2020, the applicant must be an economic operator as defined by the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 29/2020 and the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 30/2020, namely: |
Types of emergency certificates: |
The Order provides two different types of certificates (described in the Annexes to the Order): |
Procedure regarding the issuance of the certificates: |
Considering the manner in which all the procedures in front of the state authorities unfold given the context: |
Relevant Documents: |
Please see below the required documents necessary for the issuance of the emergency certificates: |
The verification proceedings: |
For the issuance of the certificate, the submission of the identification details and of the statement of the legal representative on http://prevenire.gov.ro/ are sufficient. However, the authorities are entitled to: |